
Hi all,

Yoga classes for the final years have started by Mr. C R Ajith Sen, Lr. in Physical Education, Sl. Gr. The students have opined that the classes are going well and they have found it to be very useful in the initial phase itself, to get relaxed off the hurry-berry of professional education. “It gives mental and physical relax for me with in these 4 days of practice”, said Jishad A V (2006-10). Ajith Sen sir is an internationally certified trainer.

On 30-Jul-2009, personnel of IBM, Cannonical Ltd. and United Nations visited the college campus and gave a joint-lecture on IT-trends, Open Source, etc. This is a joint venture by the aforesaid organizations and they’ve launched it in CEC, for the first time in Kerala. The lectures were from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and have been found to be very useful to the attendees. May be, CEC could make a big leap out of these contacts… Contacts from Cannonical Ltd. was obtained through Mr. Manoj Iyer (CEC 1994-98), who’s a kernel engineer there. Thanks to him.

CAMPION 09 works are going well. Minutes of meetings shall be updated soon. Visit: http://campion.ceconline.edu

SUMMIT 09 publicity secondary level starts this Monday. Alumni is requested to kindly check their inbox, and if they’ve not got a mail from us, kindly take this as an official invitation by your juniors to the event. Kindly provide us with some good contacts of resources for the events, if any, and of course, financial assistance. Contact us: cecsummit09@gmail.com

Some “archeological items” of IHRD shall be moved to CEC from a polytechnic at Calicut. It shall be a treasure for our college and shall be used for SUMMIT 09 also. It shall remain in our college itself, even after SUMMIT 09. It includes, old big PCs, disks, etc.

TIME, a management institute conducted a mock test for S5 students on 30-July-2009. Most of the students have attended the exam, which ran with the help of TPC.


Arunanand T A,

2006-10 CS.

Hey guys,

The renovation work of the college building was a longtime dream of CECians.. The future developments in CEC are dependent on the  completion of the work pertaining to the second buliding which forms the part of the original layout of CEC..

We guys have some great news..The tender has been taken up by the PWD as most if you must have already known.The tender is  a  general works Tender and the building plan and such stuff have been accepted. The tender was to close on the 23rd of July,2009 but has been extended to the 19th of August. The tender is one which calls for several contractors for the various works.And a group of contractors will be selected form a list of many.   The contractors related to construction work have already accepted the tender and only the contractors for the Electrical work need to be approved…and that is reason for the extention of the tendering process.

As of now, there is no hindrance  to the work from starting.  If everything goes according to the plan, the work can begin within a month after the tender is taken. The estimated  time for completion is 18 months, and the cost estimate is 2 crore rupees. 45 lakhs have already been given for the work to start.

The building can hopefully be occupied within a year and the first two floors will be given the priority, according to the Principal’s office. In that case the EE branch can be moved over to there with some extended facilities..and the M. Tech programme in CEC can begin  at the earliest, once the work is complete.

Hoping for the best,

Richie (2007-11 CS).

Courtesy for info. : The Principal , CEC.

Hi all,

Here’s the CAMPION ’09 Meeting Minutes dated: 15-Jul-2009.

Meeting 2

Date    : 15th July, 2009, Wednesday

Venue : Auditorium, College of Engineering Chengannur.

The second meeting for the purpose of conducting Campion ’09 was held at the auditorium of College of Engineering Chengannur at 2:25 PM. The meeting was presided over by Mr. C R Ajith Sen, Lecturer in Physical Education, Sl. Gr.

The following executive committee posts were filled in this meeting, which remained unfilled so far. They are:

  1. P.R.O                                      –     Mr. Sanoop Thomas
  2. T-Shirts                                 –      Mr. Shyam R
  3. Addon Programs              –      Mr. Ratheesh S  & Mr. Sarath Vallathol
  4. Designing-in-Charge       –      Mr. Anoop Thomas M
  5. Web Designing                   –      Mr. Jofin Joseph

Other major decisions taken include:

Prize Coupon:

  • No Specification of prizes in normal prize coupons.
  • Prize coupons with denomination Rs. 5/- can be printed at the college itself, and the logo of Campion shall be included.
  • At the time of admission of new batch (as the case may be), a special prize coupon with denomination Rs. 25/- shall be distributed among the parents.  These shall carry special prizes exclusively for the first years.
  • Lucky dips shall be introduced 30 days before the event and that for new admissions also should be made well in advance.
  • During Onam vacations, give the lucky dips to different batches for distribution at their house premises.
  • Fix the dates of printing works and produce a model in the next meeting.


  • An outline of the budget was presented by the Treasurer. It excluded the expense for technical enhancement and the inaugural ceremony, as they cannot be calculated as of date. In the next meeting, the respective in charges shall produce the same.


  • A detailed tariff could not be furnished. The same shall be produced in the next meeting.
  • Mr. C R Ajith Sen has advised to take much care not to make a clash between SUMMIT 09, CAMPION 09 and Magazine sponsorships. The prior importance should be given for SUMMIT 09 in this period of time.
  • Contact a person (details shall be given later to the Sponsorship-in-Charge) the next week itself.
  • Bill books should be made ready as soon as possible.
  • Use common contacts (in the sense, those who regularly sponsor us) for sponsorships.
  • Fix the date of Sponsorship commencement.
  • Collect the contacts from the juniors (media and other acquaintances)

Other suggestions/decisions were as follow:

  • Certificates shall be given to the finalists and to the executive committee members and shall be printed at the college itself.
  • Mr. Amal D Mukund, the in-charge of Invitation and Registration shall be having additional charges of Certificates.
  • Details of the technical enhancement and inaugural ceremony shall be furnished in the next meeting.
  • Bike stunt for the inaugural ceremony was suggested, but it was summarily rejected as the event is supposed to be completely inside the ground.
  • Mr. Sojo James, the Banner-in-Charge shall be having additional charges of printing works.
  • A limited number of brochures shall be printed. It shall be done at the college itself.
  • Invitation process shall commence at least 45 days before the college, and the in-charge must start the procedures. For the official invitation, last year’s format shall be followed. In the initial level procedure, official brochures need not be propagated.
  • Endeavours are made to find the fund to fix a net/wall at the back of goal posts with the aid of IHRD funding. If it’s not applicable, it shall be met with the College Sports Fund.
  • Mr. Jerin George, the Sports Secretary of the college must contact the Sports Secretaries/Football Captains of other IHRD Engg. Colleges and shall pass the information about the event unofficially. It shall be performed as soon as possible.
  • For the video coverage, the needed equipment shall be taken from the college.
  • As mentioned earlier, Mr. Shyam R will be the in-charge of CAMPION 09 T-shirts. Special care must be taken not in quantity, but in quality. Also, timely delivery to be taken care of. Details shall be furnished in the next meeting itself.
  • As decided, Mr. Sojo will be looking into Receipt book printing also. This shall be done at the college after consultation with Mr. C R Ajith Sen.
  • Certain add-on programmes/competitions shall be conducted in between matches, if and only if time permits. Mr. Ratheesh S has been allotted its charge.
  • A 30 days countdown shall be placed at the centre court. This has been marked as a good idea by the committee and shall be looked into with a technical perspective by introducing a digital countdown. Its feasibility must be studied and details shall be given in the next meeting by the person in charge.
  • Financial aid from PTA shall be requested by the Senate.
  • Scoreboard shall be the same as that of the last year. Check the brightness and its present condition.
  • A suggestion was made in regard of the CAMPION 09 balloon, and the executive committee has suggested that it should be looked into with an economical perspective, whether it’s cost-effective.
  • As in the last year, special awards shall be given to Best Goal Keeper, Best Scorer, Best Defender, Best Emerging Player and Best Player.
  • Apart from the special awards above, a new suggestion was made before the committee by Mr. Vishnu Sree G to declare a dream team with 5 members, considering all the participating teams. This suggestion was welcomed by the committee with special remark to Mr. Vishnu Sree G.
  • Judges for determining the special awards shall be assigned. Judges must be veterans, and a good set of criterions for those awards must be published before the event.
  • Invitations-in-Charge has been assigned the duty of inviting seniors and alumni. Send mail to the CECians Google Group: cecalumni@googlegroups.com inviting them to the event and requesting sponsorship.
  • Special requests shall be sent to the selected alumni for sponsorship (E.g. recently placed in MNCs)
  • Sports Secretary was entitled to prepare a list of four students from 2008 batch (2 years prior to ours), those shall be invited as special delegates during the event and shall be recognized for their sport and game skills. All males and females (not only from football arena) are to be considered.
  • Special gift for the “Best Seller of Lucky Dip” shall be given, as done in previous years.
  • Duty leaves shall be given only in justifiable condition with proper purpose. The organizing secretary must take special care to clear all the duty leave forms on or before the Friday of a week. This condition shall be made flexible during the last days of organizing.
  • Theme Music of CAMPION 09 and other music related jobs have been allotted to Mr. Fredie Thomas (2006-10 CS-C).
  • Permission for entering various classes for the purpose of announcing and declaring the event shall be given after a few days.
  • All the executive members are privileged to form their own sub-committees for proper functioning of their committee, as and when required.
  • For CAMPION 09 website, decision has been taken not to buy space and domain, but to use the sub-domain of college website as well as space. Mr. Jofin Joseph (2006-10 CS-D), Web Master of the college has already been intimated about this.
  • Regarding the B-Team of the college, decisions shall be taken later. Mr. C R Ajith Sen has advised the Tournament Secretary to build up a good set of rules under such cases (cases when B-Team has to play for the event to continue)
  • A suggestion was made from the 2006-10 batch that they are willing to endow a new trophy for CAMPION in the loving memory of their batch mate Late. Mr. Vishakh Vasu, which shall be an ever-rolling one. In this case, the existing old trophy shall be replaced and the old one shall be used for any other purpose viz. Annual Sports Meet. However, the final decision regarding this is yet to be taken in the forthcoming meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on 27th July, 2009, Monday at 4:00 PM.

The meeting was concluded with Mr. Ajith Sen asking the executive committee to work with harmony and ensure maximum participation so that CAMPION shall be much more colourful this time, in all sense, than in previous years.


[Attendees are from 2006-10 batches. Those who are from different batches have been marked likewise]

  1. Mr. C R Ajith Sen [Lr. in Physical Education, Sl. Gr.]
  2. Mr. Manu Raj
  3. Mr. Arunanand T A
  4. Mr. Prince P Sivan
  5. Mr. Nithin Sam Oommen
  6. Mr. Vishnu Sree G
  7. Mr. Aby Jacob [2005-09]
  8. Mr. Ullas Unnikrishanan
  9. Mr. Deepak P
  10. Mr. Jijil K I
  11. Mr. Jerin George
  12. Mr. Shanavas M
  13. Mr. Abhiram S
  14. Mr. Jaseen Jamal
  15. Mr. Dawns John
  16. Mr. Vishnu Mohan
  17. Mr. Amal D Mukund
  18. Mr. Deepak Devanand
  19. Mr. Shyam R
  20. Mr. Najeeb M A
  21. Mr. Aravind Manjooran
  22. Mr. Vipin K
  23. Mr. Laiju K Raju
  24. Mr. Sojo James


Arunanand T A,

Organizing Secretary,


Hi all,

It’s after a short vacation I have come up with a new post. Well, some incidents have taken place in CEC, which I am writing below:

Classes commenced on July 1st. There are so many happy news this time. A new branch in B.Tech has been allotted for CEC – Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Yea, CEC is waiting for EEEians now…

CEC has been rated as the best 7th Engineering Colleges (among Govt. Engg. Colleges) in Kerala (Source: The survey conducted by NIT-Calicut Alumni). Link is here: http://reccaanit.org/erating/government.html

Campion 09 works are going on… Thinking of starting a page at: http://campion.ceconline.edu . The CAMPION 09 team has spoken to Mr. Jofin Joseph of 2006-2010 CS, the webmaster of CEC, to take necessary actions for the same.

CEC Ranked 7th Best Engineering College in Kerala (NIT-Calicut Alumni Survey 2009)
CEC Ranked 7th Best Engineering College in Kerala (NIT-Calicut Alumni Survey 2009)

SUMMIT 09 sponsorship works are going well. However, CEC can’t go ahead without the help of our seniors and the alumni… Updates are posted to the group: http://groups.google.com/group/cecalumni . Publicity is yet to start. Visit: http://www.cecsummit.org

The academic calendar of CEC 2009-10 Odd Semester is available here and at downloads of this blog.

Mr. Madhusoodhanan Nair (Physics) of our college has been awarded Ph.D.

Ms. Smitha Dharan (HOD (CS)) is supposed to join the office back after her Ph.D programme this month. Mr. Jyothi Raj (HOD (EC)) has already returned and has taken the charge of his office.

Seminars and main projects have started. From this year onwards, CUSAT has allotted 50 marks for project design in S7 itself, to ensure proper planning of projects. Some models and guidelines of Seminar Reports are available at the downloads of this blog.

Anoop Thomas Mathew of 2006-2010 CS is now a Red Hat Certified Engineer.

More news follow… stay tuned…


Arunanand T A,

2006-2010 Computer Science and Engineering,


Hi all,

Meeting 1

Date    : 3rd July, 2009, Friday

Venue : Auditorium, College of Engineering Chengannur.

The first meeting for the purpose of conducting Campion ’09 was held at the auditorium of College of Engineering Chengannur at 1:00 PM. The meeting was presided over by Mr. C R Ajith Sen, Lecturer in Physical Education, Sl. Gr.

The major intention of the meeting was to form various committees for the event. From among the students, the following were selected unanimously:

1. Tournament Secretary

Mr. Deepak Devanand (2006-10 EC-A)

2. Organizing Secretary

Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-10 CS-D)

3. Treasurer

Mr. Manu Raj (2006-10 EC-A)

4. Sponsorship-in-Charge

Mr. Prince P Sivan (2006-10 CS-D)

5. Lucky Dip-in-Charge

Mr. Jijil K I (2006-10 EC-A)

6. Inaugural Ceremony-in-Charge

Mr. Vishnu Sree G (2006-10 EC-A)

7. Technical Committee-in-Charge

Mr. Sarath S ((2006-10 EC-A)

8. Invitations and Registrations-in-Charge

Mr. Amal D Mukund (2006-10 CS-C)

9. Officiating Committee-in-Charge

Mr. Abhiram S (2006-10 CS-C)

10. Ground Committee-in-Charge

Mr. Nithin Sam Oommen (2006-10 EC-A)

11. Banner-in-Charge

Mr. Sojo James (2006-10 EC-B)

12. Refreshments-in-Charge

Mr. Deepu Venugopal (2006-10 EC-A)

13. First Aid-in-Charge

Mr. Deepak P (2006-10 EC-B)

The next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on 15th July, 2009, Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

The meeting was concluded with Mr. Ajith Sen exhorting all members present to work with unity and sincerity to make Campion 09 a great success.


Arunanand T A,

Organizing Secretary,

CAMPION 09 (http://campion.ceconline.edu)

Hi everyone,

“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” As you know the training and placement cell is organising for us(2010 batch)  a series of preperation sessions to make us competent to face the “multi-level filtering” techniques the companies may most probably employ during these recession period. So my primary request to all my batchmates is to make maximum use of the oppurtunity.

We have Mock tests every Thursdays which include aptitude, verbal and technical questions to be answered within a particular time limit. As you know, these tests are the screening through which the companies may eliminate more than half the candidates. So the situation demands to be a master in this. So I humbly request everybody to have your homeworks done before you appear for the test. After the test,try to get through every question once more with the right answers with you. I guarantee you,’ You will get through”.

Next, the group discussion. We are planning to conduct the group discussions in two different stages. First Intra class levels, that is Gd’s within the class.This may enable some of our fellow mates to get through with their stage-fright and get into the real pulse. Second level may be inter class levels.

Let me emphasize that this level lets include technical topics too for the gd. For eg; Advantages of thermal power station or Java and .Net. So these type of topics need some technical backgrounds. So lets prepare some points by our own.

A session by SPARK has been arranged at college auditorium on 10th July, Friday 12:45-2pm to get expertize ideas on GD’s and interviews. Please make the best of the situation. (Sorry to my Muslim friends that we could not get another slot to arrange this session. Hope you can understand.)

The face to face on how to face an interview by Liju Philip sir is getting good responses everyday. Let me convey my sincere regards to him on behalf of 2010 batch as he is delivering his precious time for us everyday. Those who haven’t appeared please take a review from those who have got the session, so that you won’t miss the chance.

Some other sessions are under proposals, a session by IMS may be next weeek and a seminar by KITA(Kerala IT alliance) on 24th July. Confirmations on these will be given later.

Some more suggestions to my friends from my part:

1.  Lets practice to speak English among us. Atleast during class hours. This really works.

2. Please be punctual for the tests. Look on to that everybody appears for the test.

3. Be present for the GD and Mock interviews at the slot allotted for you by the TPC members. Else you are taking away a chance of yourself and your friends. So please coperate with your TPC members. If you can’t come, inform them at the earliest.

Time is very less for us. But lets squeeze the pulp out of it. Lets make this joint venture a mega-grand successand hope and pray that we could break all the placement records this year.

So friends, we look on to your suggestions and feedback.

Best regards ,

Nirmal Sajo Thomas

CS CEC2010

TPC Student Member

Hi all,


Greetings from CEC!!

As you know, our college is again bustling with activity as we get prepared to conduct SUMMIT ’09. Yes, the fifth event of its kind will be witnessed in the premises of College of Engineering, Chengannur from 17th -18th August, 2009.

It is with extreme pleasure that we invite you, the forebearer of SUMMIT, to yet another one. In spite of your busy schedules we do hope that you find time to come over and thus make the event more vibrant.

Moreover, we would be deeply obliged if you share with us your experiences and also give us your invaluable advice and suggestions, thereby, help in making the endeavour a great success. Besides, important contacts of resource persons and sponsorships are also most welcome. Kindly confirm your presence at the earliest convenience.

More details is available at:



For updates of SUMMIT 09, please visit: http://www.cecsummit09.blogspot.com

Contact us at: cecsummit09@gmail.com (and for official contacts, please make it at: contact@cecsummit.org)

Hope you’re doing well.

Best Regards,

Sanoop Thomas (+91-9496 46 98 33),

General Convener (Students),

College of Engineering Chengannur,
Alappuzha, Kerala, IN-689 121.

P.S: We have sent invitation mails to all the contacts of CECians we have. If anybody has not received it yet, kindly take this post as an invitation and join the event to make it a grand success! It’s our event, CECians’ event!!!

If any one of you has not joined the ALUMNI Google Group of CEC, please join at: http://groups.google.com/group/cecalumni

Hi all,

There was a false news in The New Indian Express on 15th June, 2009 in the Thiruvananthapuram edition about CEC. It stated that CEC lost its AICTE recognition along with other four self-financing colleges in Kerala, due to lack of infrastructure. But this was a false news that could have come from the false interpretation of the document published by AICTE. Heard that our college has applied for more seats and it might be because of the procedures to avail this that such a misunderstanding might have occured to the daily out of the AICTE document published in their website. However, CEC has a clear recognition of AICTE till 2011. Many students and parents would have fallen to confusion reading this false news, and to reveal the truth to the public, our principal Prof. (Dr.) V P Devassia sent a note of objection to the daily and The New Indian Express published a news on the very next day (16-Jun-2009) including the statement from the principal. The copy of the statement published in the daily is here:

News in The New Indian Express on 16th June, 2009 as the denial of the news published the previous day on the same daily that AICTE recognition of CEC was cancelled due to lack of infrastructure... It was a false news and the daily published a note from the Principal, like this....

News in The New Indian Express on 16th June, 2009 as the denial of the news published the previous day on the same daily that AICTE recognition of CEC was cancelled due to lack of infrastructure... It was a false news and the daily published a note from the Principal, like this....

Interview, as it’s previously scheduled, to the post of faculty in Computer Engg. was conducted (actually, the test) on 17-Jun-2009. There were 75+ candidates for the post of 8 or 9! Yea, recession works out…  😛

Applicants for CS faculty on 17th June, 2009 at CEC... around 75 for the post of 8! Yea, recession really works....

Applicants for CS faculty on 17th June, 2009 at CEC... around 75 for the post of 8! Yea, recession really works....

Shall be back with more updates…

Best Regards,

Arunanand T A,

CEC CS 2010,


Hi all,

As mentioned in the previous post, a survey of the engineering colleges in Kerala has been conducted by the alumni association of NIT-Calicut. For the same, a collection of such achievements of CECians in last two years, is being collected, as per the direction from the college authorities. Mr. Sanoop Thomas (2006-2010 CS) has been working for it for last few days. He’s collected as much as he could and submitted it to the Principal. They include:

(Note: If any other achievements – with certificates – that are not included in the list given below, kindly inform; just put it as a comment to this post. Kindly put your name, contact number, event, date of event (at least month and date), prize obtained, etc. as comment)

SARGAM 2007-08
(Cochin University of Science and Technology)
(15-19 October, 2007)

1.      Mr. Harisankar J (2006-2010 A)            Eng. Story writing    II
2.      Ms. Cerene Mariam Abraham (2006-2010 D)    Eng Recitation    II
3.      Mr. Sharon Vinod (2005-2009 A)         Film Review    II
4.      Mr. Ramalingam R (2006-2010 A)        Instrumental Percussion    II (Eastern)
5.      Late. Mr. Suraj Sebastian (2005-2009 B)    Mal. Debate    II
6.      Ms. Lekshmi P (2005-2009 B)                 Eng. Poetry    III

7.      Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-2010 D)       Eng story writing         II

8.      Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-2010 D)        Mal. Poem writing    II
9.      Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-2010 D)        Mal. Debate    II
10.   Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-2010 D)         Mal. Essay writing    III
11.    Mr. Arunanand T A (2006-2010 D)        Mal. Extempore    III


  • Mr. Abin M Abraham (2006 Admn) and Mr. Tom Thomas (2006 Admn) participated in the INTEL ‘09 quiz competition held by SBT and won the first prize in district level and second prize in zonal level in the month of January and February, 2009.
  • Mr. Jofin Joseph (2006 Admn) – Q’Bit at MA College, Kothamangalam on 31st Jan, 2009 – in Ad-Designing Contest – 2nd Prize
  • RANK (Race for Awareness and Knowledge) award by Air-India and Malayala Manorama – conducted as a series of test during 2006-07 – Mr. Arunanand T A (2006 Admn) – District Award Winner.
  • Active Participation in Robotic, Project, Paper Presentation events Tatva ’07, Tatva ’08 and Shastra ’07 and Shastra ’08 and other tech fests conducted by many other colleges in Kerala and outside Kerala.
  • Paper Presentation – Mr. Anoop Thomas Mathew and Mr. Jofin Joseph (2006 Admn) – Q’Bit – MA College, Kothamangalam – 30th Jan, 2009 – 2nd Prize
  • Paper Presentation – Mr. Rahul Raj and Mr. Anoop Thomas Mathew (2006 Admn) – 2nd Prize – at St.Gits College of Engineering, Pathamuttam – Feb, 2009.
  • Paper Presentation – Late. Mr. Vishakh Vasu and Mr. Anoop Thomas Mathew (2006 Admn) – 2nd Prize – at Rajagiri Engg. and Tech., Ernakulam – Sept, 2008.
  • Paper Presentation – Mr. Anoop Thomas Mathew (2006 Admn) – 1st Prize – at “Conjura”, TKM CE, Kollam – Feb, 2009.
  • Mr. Chintu Bousally, Mr. Deepak Krishnan, Mr. Bibin John and Mr. Rejo (all of 2007 Admn) – ETHNICITY (Fashion Dress Contest) – at ‘Nakshatra’, St. Gits CE, Pathamuttam – 2nd Prize – Feb, 2008
  • Mr. Chintu Bousally, and Mr. Aneesh A M (2007 Admn) – Best Entertainers – at ‘Nakshatra’, St. Gits CE, Pathamuttam – 1st Prize – Feb, 2008.
  • On 28th September 2007 at College Of Engineering, Kidangoor             “Nostalgia Lumier” – 2nd place – College Dance Team “Shadow Thrillers” – Lead by Ms. Anuja Thampi
  • On 4th November 2007 – Sacred Heart, Ernakulam – “Western Dance”,  Tandavam” – 2nd place – College Team “Shadow Thrillers”  – Lead by Ms. Anuja Thampi
  • On 16th February 2008 – St. Gits, Kottayam – Western Dance – 1st place – College Dance Team “Shadow Thrillers” – Lead by Ms. Anuja Thampi
  • Participation in the “Free Software Seminar Mr. R M Stallman” at Trivandrum – By Mr. Joby Kuriakose, Mr. Midhun George, Mr. Jestin Joy (2005 Admn)
  • Mr. Shynu Gervasis & Mr. Arun Greig John (2005 Admn) presented a paper on “Nano Technology” in an International Conference. (Other details couldn’t be tracked out)

Best Regards,

Arunanand T A,

2010 CS,


Hi all,

The aforementioned traffic light project under TEQIP-Community Service Scheme is now under testing period. The set has been placed near the college auditorium for testing purpose. Details shall follow.

TEQIP Community Service Program (Traffic Light for Bathel Junction) under alpha testing....

TEQIP Community Service Program (Traffic Light for Bathel Junction) under alpha testing....

TEQIP Community Service Program (Traffic Light for Bathel Junction) under alpha testing....

TEQIP Community Service Program (Traffic Light for Bathel Junction) under alpha testing....

Interview for the following temporary vacancies at CEC will be conducted as per schedule given below.

Age limit : 39 yrs,  with usual relaxation to SC, ST & Backward communities

Sl. No.

Name of Post


Time & Date  of Interview

1 Lecturer in Electronics Engineering

First Class B. Tech in Electronics Engineering

22/06/09 – 10.00 am

2 Lecturer in Computer Engineering

First Class B. Tech in Computer Engineering

17/06/09 – 10.00 am

3 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering

First Class B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering

26/06/09 – 10.00 am

4 Lecturer in Electrical  Engineering

First Class B. Tech in Electrical Engineering

19/06/09 – 10.00 am

5 Lecturer in Civil  Engineering ( P. T)

First Class B. Tech in Civil Engineering

01/07/09 – 10.00 am

6 Librarian Grade IV

First Class Bachelors Degree in Library & Information Science

04/07/09 – 10.00 am

Documents to be produced at the time of interview

  1. Original certificates proving age & qualification
  2. Attested copies of certificates
  3. Certificates to prove experience if any.
More news follow…
Arunanand T A,